Persona 5

Persona 5 manga follows the story of Akira Kurusu, a high school student whose life is turned upside down after he gets a criminal record for protecting a woman from assault. This event forces Akira to transfer to Shujin Academy in Shibuya, where he is treated like an outcast and advised to stay out of trouble. However, things quickly take a mysterious turn when an undeletable app appears on his phone. On his first day at school, Akira and another student, Ryuuji Sakamoto, find themselves transported to a strange and dangerous world filled with shadowy creatures.

In this alternate reality, Akira’s inner strength emerges in the form of a “Persona”, a powerful manifestation of his personality, allowing him to fend off the shadow-like enemies. Teaming up with Ryuuji, Akira begins to uncover the dark secrets of this strange world while navigating his life at Shujin Academy. As the duo delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding their new powers, they encounter allies and face formidable enemies, ultimately becoming the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, determined to change the world around them.